Smurfs on the street coloring page

The Smurfs are small, blue, forest-dwelling, big-nosed creatures that sing with glee in white pants!
This coloring page shows a group of Smurfs, each with a big round nose, white pants, and a joyous expression. They are happily enjoying an outdoor picnic in a grassy clearing in the forest. To color this picture, try using cool blues to bring out their wintery look. Other colors for their pants, hair, and picnic set could be a bright yellow, green, and pink. For a fun twist, dab the Smurfs' hats with different shades of red and orange. Add popping bright flowers here and there, as well as furry trees with rustic browns and greens to make the forest come alive! With a few colorful touches, this picture will become a cheerful little work of art.