Together coloring page

People from all over the world in Rio for Carnaval - colorful costumes, singing & dancing, happy atmosphere.
The streets of Rio de Janeiro are alive with energy and joy as people from all corners of the globe have come together to celebrate Carnaval. Vibrant costumes of all shapes and sizes strike the eye - hues of blues, purples, yellows, oranges, and more. Everyone is swaying to the music, singing and dancing in time with one another. It is a scene of pure celebration and happiness. When coloring this page, you should make the most of the contrasting colors in the costumes. Shades of pink and orange could bring out the details of the dancing couples, whilst eye-catching purple could be used to bring the musicians to life. To emphasize the atmosphere of warmth and fun, yellows and golds can add a sparkle to the scene. To complete the picture, deep greens and blues come together to portray the lush vegetation of Rio.