Orochimaru coloring page

Orochimaru: snake-like eyes, black hair, white robe, red lining, red wristbands, carries large sword.
This coloring page of Orochimaru features his iconic slitted, snake-like eyes and long black hair. His white robe is bordered with a red lining, and he has red wristbands to match. To finish the look, a large sword is strapped across his back. To color this page, I would suggest using darker shades of red, brown, and black for Orochimaru's clothing and hair, as well as a deep, striking green for his eyes. The white of the robe can be accented with the same red used for the lining, making for a bold and captivating contrast. For the sword, bright silver with hints of gold would really make it shine. No matter what color palette you choose, this page is sure to be a colorful and captivating masterpiece.