Manga hero Naruto coloring page

Naruto is a young ninja aspiring to be the Hokage; he has an orange jumpsuit, headband, spiral symbol, & tools. His eyes are blue & he has blond spiky hair & a wide grin.
The coloring page of Naruto shows an enthusiastic young ninja determined to take on the world. He wears a bright orange jumpsuit and the signature ninja headband with the jagged edge. On his back is a large orange spiral symbol, a sign of his budding potential as a ninja. In his right hand, he holds a kunai, a common ninja tool. In his other hand, he is carrying a scroll, perhaps with secret knowledge for his next mission. His spiky blond hair and blue eyes complete the picture of a determined, eager young ninja. To color this page, consider the tropical vibes of Naruto's orange jumpsuit and the energizing symbolism of the orange spiral. For his skin, choose a bright tan highlighting his youthful face, with pink cheeks and a wide grin. The blond hair would look best as a warm yellow-gold shade, while his blue eyes should be a bright, vivid azure. To complete the image of an aspiring and determined ninja, color his kunai and scroll in shiny silver or chrome.