Donkey Ia coloring page

Disney and Easter donkey wears blue and white polka dot scarf, has wide open eyes and perked ears, tongue sticking out of open mouth.
In this Disney and Easter-themed Donkey Ia coloring page, a cheerful donkey stands in the center with an eager expression on its face. Its ears are perked up and its eyes are sparkling, as if it's ready to share a wonderful surprise. The donkey is wearing a bright blue and white polka dot scarf to keep it warm on a chilly spring day. To make the picture come alive, try using bright and cheerful colors. Use a light yellow to fill in the donkey's fur, a pink or salmon color to bring out more details and contrast to its face, and a bright blue for the scarf and nose. Add a grassy green background and bits of white and light purple for the wildflowers scattered around the donkey's hooves. For an extra pop of color, try giving the donkey a carrot in its mouth for a colorful touch.