Eerie horror coloring page

Man faces dragon in cave with fire; danger & excitement in the air!
The coloring page presents a mysterious and eerily lit cave. In the center of the cave, a raging fire provides illumination to the sleek walls of the cave, casting an almost menacing shadow over everything inside. In the foreground, a fierce dragon is ready to pounce on the unsuspecting man that stands in the center, seemingly unaware of the danger he is in. In order to make this picture come to life, I recommend using dark hues for the cave such as black, navy blue, and deep grey to create a mysterious atmosphere. For the dragon, I suggest using vibrant and warm tones such as orange, red and yellow to outline the intimidating creature. The man should have neutral and cool tones such as brown, beige, and grey to depict his perceptible fear. Finally, to make the fire glow and captivate the eyes, you can add bright yellow, white and gold tones. This will help the dragon truly come alive and make the picture intimidating and mesmerizing.