Astrid coloring page

Girl with blond ponytail wearing green tunic, brown belt, blue scarf and serious expression.
This girl has blonde hair that is pulled back into a neat ponytail, creating the perfect frame for her face. Her green tunic is paired with a brown belt, giving her an air of sophistication, while the bright blue scarf around her neck and the serious look on her face make her appear serious and focused. To bring out the full intensity of this image, her tunic and belt should be coloured with a rich green and highlighted in areas with a lighter tone. The girl's hair should be given a warm golden hue, as well as some highlights for added dimension. A bright yellow is ideal for brightening up the blue scarf, and her facial expression should be shaded carefully with a grey tone to distinguish her serious expression. Finally, the background should be coloured in a vibrant sky-blue to create a dreamy atmosphere.