Crimea coloring page

Sonic and co. explore the breathtaking mountains & peaceful ocean of the Crimea w/ its lush trees & shining sun. They're having a great time!
The Crimea is a breathtaking sight with its lush greenery, sun-drenched skies, and majestic rocky mountains. Sonic and his friends are taking advantage of the stunning scenery, surrounded by rolling hills and serenity. Add vibrancy to the coloring page with bright blues for the sky and ocean, and greens of varying hues for the trees and plants. To create contrast, give the mountains in the background a bold reddish-brown, while adding a hint of orange to the sun. Outline Sonic and friends with purple or black to make them stand out. Color in the characters with as much variety as you like — be creative! This is a beautiful landscape full of potential for a stunning work of art when you're finished.