Miles coloring page

Miles, a boy with spiky brown hair and a red shirt, stands in front of a blue background. He wears blue jeans and red/white sneakers.
Miles is a lively and energetic young boy. His short, spiky brown hair adds to his dynamic personality. He is wearing a bright red shirt with a big, white "X" on it – perhaps representing his adventurous spirit. His blue jeans and red and white sneakers are perfect for any activity. He stands in front of a rich, blue background, waiting for the fun to begin. To give the page an extra burst of energy, use bright, vivid colours to fill in the spaces. Bright oranges, yellows, and pinks could be used for Miles' clothing and background while blues, purples, and greens could be used to bring out his hair and the blue behind him. For a fun contrast, try using a slightly darker shade of blue for Miles' clothes and a lighter shade of blue for the background. You could even add some black accents to complete the look. Have fun and be creative!