Miles Tailes Prower coloring page

Miles Tailes Prower is shown in this coloring page wearing his typical light-blue jumpsuit as he stands atop a bright orange aircraft, a symbol of his prowess both as a mechanic and a pilot. The look of concentration on his face and the determined way he stands make it clear that he is ready to take on any challenge. Miles has a multi-colored Mohawk and big eyes, emphasizing his fun-loving, cheerful personality. To colors this page, I would start by giving Miles a copper fur-tone which would contrast beautifully with his light-blue jumpsuit. His multi-colored Mohawk would be a mix of bright colors, like pink, bright blue, green, and yellow. To emphasize his determined attitude, I would give the aircraft an orange-red color, and accentuate it with yellow headlights and white clouds in the background. Give him a bright red handkerchief around his neck to draw attention to his bright-eyed, outgoing personality.