Vector coloring page

Vector, a blue hedgehog w/ red shoes, stands on a green hill w/ yellow flowers; blue sky & white clouds. #SonicX
This Sonic X - Vector coloring page features a cute blue hedgehog. He has spiky quills and a long tail, and he's wearing bright red shoes. Vector is standing atop a lush green hill, surrounded by beautiful yellow flowers. Above him is a dazzlingly blue sky peppered with snow-white clouds. To bring this page to life, vibrant shading could be added to Vector's fur, and the dark blue lines that outline him could be filled with glittery stars. The hill and the sky could be colored with stunning shades of bright green and blue, and the flowers could be painted with warm, sunny yellows. The white clouds could be shaded with soft, airy hints of pink and yellow. This page is bound to be fun to color and would bring a smile to anyone who sees it!