Mole on a boat coloring page

Mole in green overalls and yellow hat paddles leaf-boat in shallow pool. Green meadow in background.
On this page, a friendly brown mole is the focus of attention, wearing cheerful olive green overalls and a sunny yellow cap. His leaf-shaped boat crafted from green twigs is tipping in a shallow pool of sparkling water, and the meadow behind him is alive with the color of vibrant green foliage and wildflowers. To bring this scene to life, it could be colorfully painted using shades of pink, blue, yellow and white to give extra vibrancy to the meadow. The yellow hat and the green twig boat deserve a warm dappling of oranges and browns to bring them to life while the overalls of the friendly mole can be painted in mossy greens and olive tones. The whole scene will be a delightful treat for the eyes.