Umka in the kitchen coloring page

Dark-haired woman in white apron and blue dress stirring pot on stove with wooden spoon. #kitchenlife
This woman in the kitchen is a culinary artist in action. Her long dark hair is tied back into a loose braid that cascades over one shoulder. She wears a white apron tied around her blue dress. Her right hand is wrapped firmly around a wooden spoon, the tool of her craft. Behind her, a pot simmers on the stove. To color this picture, you could use a warm palette of muted tones. Try blues and shades of grey to capture the kitchen light, while a subtle pastel pink could be used to pick out the highlights in her hair. For her clothing, a buttery cream will highlight the white apron and a navy blue highlights the dress. Finally, bring in some warmer tones for the brassy accents of the pot and wooden spoon. With your colors, you can create a cozy kitchen scene with subtle highlights that capture this woman's talents.