Gena and Cheburashka coloring page

Gena and Cheburashka are friends, but Shapoklyak wants to catch Cheburashka. Gena helps him escape.
This image shows two beloved characters of Russian folklore: Gena the crocodile and Cheburashka. Both of them are colored in a vibrant green hue, a perfect representation of their wild nature. Gena has a long tail that nearly reaches the ground, while Cheburashka is cutely portrayed with stubby little arms. Unfortunately, looming over them is Shapoklyak, a mean creature who is out to catch Cheburashka. In order to bring out their personalities, I suggest coloring Gena in a deep, cool-toned green, perhaps with yellow highlights to indicate age. Meanwhile, Cheburashka should be in a bright, cheerful yellow-green, with spots of bright orange to highlight their mischievousness. As for Shapoklyak, I think a mottled red and yellow to show danger and an undersaturated blue to show their icy nature would work well. Together, these colors bring out the characters' unique personalities and make their tale come alive.