Horse carriage coloring page

A carriage pulled by two horses is decorated in red, gold & ready for an event. It's full of firefighters & police officers, showing comradeship & camaraderie.
This coloring page is a perfect opportunity to showcase your sense of color and creativity! The large horse-drawn carriage in the center is sure to stand out, with its brilliant red and gold paint and powerful horses. The firefighters and police officers surrounding the carriage have an air of camaraderie among them, and the whole image speaks of strength and courage. To bring out the vibrancy of the scene, you could use bold, bright colors with some dark tones for contrast. For the carriage, you could use warm hues, such as brick red and gold for the metal accents. The horses should be deep black and cream, and the foreground subjects should be highlighted with royal blues and navy for the uniforms. Use light grey or silver for the highlights of the metals, and a deep green background to really make the imagery pop!