Return of Kesha coloring page

A mother bird watches lovingly as her blue eggs hatch a yellow chick.
This amazing scene shows a nest in a tree with three blue eggs nestled inside. The mother bird is sitting on the eggs, keeping them safe and warm, when suddenly one of the eggs cracks and a small, yellow and fuzzy newborn chick peeps out. The mother bird looks proud and pleased as she watches her chick freshly hatched into the world. To color this page you could use bright, vibrant colors to make the sky and trees come alive. A light sky blue could show a beautiful morning sky and a deep, almost navy blue could show the shadows while the leaves and twigs that make up the nest could be an array of greens from dark and vibrant to light and soft. The eggs could be a light pastel blue to contrast the bright yellows for the baby chick and the mother. Lastly, browns, blacks and grays could be used for the bark on the trees and the feathers of the birds.