Marquis Carabas coloring page

Man with hat & overcoat cuddles scruffy cat in front of intimidating castle. He smiles, cat stares wide-eyed.
This mysterious scene shows a dark-haired man in a tall hat and ornate overcoat. He has a sly smirk playing across his lips, and cradles a scruffy cat in his arms. The cat is looking up at him trustingly, wide eyes filled with curiosity. Behind the two, an imposing castle looms in the background, bathing the entire landscape in an eerie glow. To color this picture, one could choose a muted gray-blue for the castle, with accents of purple and aquamarine to give it a slightly spooky look. The man can be colored in warm shades of brown, with a golden yellow hat, while the cat should be shaded in soft tans and whites. Finally, highlights of sun-yellow and rose can be used to add a bright and cheerful contrast to the painting.