Danish frigate coloring page

A large sailboat docked in a calm harbor; White w/blue trim and people on deck; Other boats in the distance.
This coloring page features a majestic sailboat docked in the harbor. The large vessel is gleaming white with powder-blue trim, and is adorned with multiple sails atop its masts. Passengers can be seen lounging on the deck admiring the tranquil atmosphere. On the water, there are other vessels sailing away, and the setting is beautiful. To bring the image to life, use a mix of sea-blue hues to color the harbor, while the boat and sails should be painted in a bright, white shade. To make the scene really pop, add splashes of color to the passengers and the boats in the background. Use warm yellows and oranges on the passengers, and cool blues and purples on their neighboring vessels. Have fun and use your imagination!