U-class submarine coloring page

A black & white coloring page of a submarine. It has a conical nose, two big propellers & several portholes along the sides. #colouring #submarine
This is a beautiful black-and-white illustration of a submarine. The submarine is drawn in an elegant, tapered shape, with a conical nose and two large propellers at the back. Along the sides of the submarine, small portholes can be seen, allowing passengers to take in the underwater view. To give this submarine some life and personality, one could color the body of the submarine a deep steel blue or navy hue, and leave the propellers and the portholes in black and white. Other details like line work or touches of vibrant color could be added, such as a bright orange to make the portholes stand out, or a sea green to differentiate the outer hull from the inner submarine. Whatever you choose, the result will be a fun and unique coloring page to add to any collection.