Cruiser coloring page

Large ship w/ many levels, windows, decks & stairs. Pointed front, flat back & people on the decks, windows. Surrounded by water. #travel
This coloring page depicts a large cruise ship with many levels and vibrant details. There is a raised pointed structure at the front of the ship, which leads up to the main deck platform with stairs. To the back of the ship is a lower, flatter structure, which features a handful of windows and balconies from which people can be found looking out. The ship is surrounded by an expansive expanse of blue water. When coloring this page, one can choose to make the ocean a light blue hue and brighten up the ship by adding white details to structure, yellow accents to add warmth, and even gray shades to the ship's windows. Adding a light pinkish hue to the sky will give the page a nice effect, while deep blue tones to the night sky and its stars will add a touch of mystery. The coloring possibilities are endless with this grand cruise ship design!