Antique battle ship coloring page

A rusty old battleship sits in the harbor as people explore it, boasting many guns & flags. #boats #history
This is an old, battered war vessel far past its prime. Its battleship-gray hull is pitted with age and rust, yet it retains a sturdy and valiant presence in the harbor. Visitors can be seen walking around on deck, no doubt admiring the sheer size and power of this majestic vessel. Along its sides are many large guns, and atop its towering mast is a great collection of flags, standing watch and paying tribute. For a real throwback, use earthy tones of brown, gray and red to create a weathered and vintage look. You can add a splash of blues and greens for highlight and contrast. For the flags, use bright and patriotic hues of red, white, and blue. Get creative with your coloring and transform this old rust-bucket into a grand, powerful vessel once again.