Viking battle ship coloring page

Viking battle ship made of wood, square sail, oars, large dragon head on front.
This Viking battle ship is a thing of beauty and adventure. It is made of strong, wooden planks and is powered by a large square sail. It is equipped with oars that protrude from the sides of the ship, allowing it to traverse the seas with ease. The fearsome appearance of the ship is completed with the large, dragon-like head on its bow. To bring out the wood-grain of the Viking ship, I would suggest coloring it in a variety of earthy tones that match the hue of the wood. Maybe you can use browns, yellows and tans that go together perfectly. For the sail, a bright white or light blue might look stunning, while the dragon-head can be given an eye-catching orange or red. Finally, you could add a touch of sea-green to the oars, creating a beautiful contrast with the rest of the vessel. With the right imagination and a cabinet of colors, you can bring to life this Viking battle ship!