Ship under sail coloring page

Large ship sailing on water, sails billowing in the wind. Moving forward!
A grand sailing vessel cuts through the vast expanse of ocean waters in sharp profile, with its billowing white sails catching the strong winds of the day. It’s a peaceful scene of tranquility and adventure combined, and causes the imagination to soar. To color this image, I would suggest starting by blocking off smooth washes of blues for the open water, with deeper shades focusing in the middle - as ocean waters tend to gain deeper shades in their depths. To create contrasts and pops of bright color, a bit of gold can be added to the front of the ship, while the sails could take on hues of bright white, or even off-white with a bit of yellow. Finally, cool ochre, purples, and pale blues could create a perfect sunset sky, with the remaining colors of the horizon fading into a darkness of inky blues and deep navy shades.