Airliner coloring page

Airliners are large aircraft for carrying passengers and cargo; operated by airlines; wide-body jets are the largest.
This coloring page features a detailed illustration of an airliner – a large, commercial fixed-wing aircraft. It has two engines affixed to its wings, along with two sets of landing gear. Its nose is pointed, and its cockpit is open and ready to take on passengers. The airliner is surrounded by peaceful, rolling hills, and the sky above is a lovely shade of blue. To color this picture, you could begin by using light blues, blues, and purples to fill out the sky and surrounding hills. These colors should become darker as they meet in the horizon. For the airliner itself, you could use bright white and a deep, royal blue. Finishing touches such as grey, black, and silver could be added to the engines and the cockpit. Additionally, you could add some yellow detailing to the airliner’s wings and landing gear, giving the coloring page a wonderful complexity.