Chevrolet (USA) coloring page

3 red jeeps: 2 Wranglers & 1 Chevy Trailblazer in a lot.
This little red car lot is home to three jeeps - two Wranglers and one cheeky Trailblazer. Let's put some color on them to really make them pop! For the first Wrangler, I'd go for a matte black and red combo to give off a classic, tough-guy vibe. Add a white pinstripe to the sides for a touch of poise. The second Wrangler is going full matte yellow. This will give it a glossy and contemporary finish, sure to brighten up any day. Finally, the Trailblazer goes with a silver and gold combination. Give it a metallic finish to make it sparkle, and finish off with black detailing to bring out its features. Now with all three jeeps glowing with vibrant colors, it's safe to say something special has been created!