Tank T-85 coloring page

The T-85 is a Russian main battle tank from 1985, armed with 125mm gun + two machine guns & powered by V-46 diesel engine. Crew of 3.
The T-85 tank is a formidable war machine and a symbol of Russian military might, having been in service for over 35 years. When you look at it, you can't help but feel that this tank has seen a lot of battles. When coloring, you can create a sense of grandeur by coloring it with bold colors. Use olive green for the base, black for the tracks, and chrome silver for its gun and turret for an intimidating look. You can also add some color to the tank's body, making it look less rigid and more alive. Make the hatch and windows stand out by coloring them red or yellow to give the tank more vibrancy. Finally, to really make the T-85 stand out, go all out and create a camouflage pattern using different hues of greens and browns.