Wheeled-tracked tank coloring page

Coloring page of dark green tank, turret w/ gun & windows, hatch on top, & silver nuts/bolts.
This coloring page is full of detail and would be fun to color! The tank itself is dark green and has big, chunky wheels and metal tracks. It has a turret on top, with two small windows, and a big gun sticking out. There are also lots of big silver nuts and bolts across the tank's body, and a round hatch on the top. To make this tank come to life, I'd choose bright colors for the small details, like the red and yellow of the windows, the silver of the nuts and bolts, and white and gray for the tracks. A bright green could be used for the dark parts of the tank, and a dark green, gray or black for the turret. Let your imagination run wild, and have fun!