Tank coloring page

An ominous gray tank lurks in a jungle clearing, large turret and long barrel atop, tracks on sides and rear, surrounded by green vegetation.
This large, imposing tank is situated in a lush, green jungle. Its formidable gray hulk stands out in the clearing, its turret facing forward and its large barrel looming. Its two long tracks convey its strength and power as they extend forward, as well as the smaller tracks in the back. The tank appears to be at rest, surrounded by the lush foliage of the jungle. To bring out the details of the tank, a dark gray color should be used for the base and lighter shades for the tracks and turret. To contrast with the gray of the tank, the background should be colored a vibrant green. Adding some shading and textures to the tank and the leaves of the nearby plants will bring a sense of depth to the image. Finally, browns and tans can be used to suggest the dirt of the jungle floor.