Medium tank coloring page

3 medium tanks in coloring page–2 green, 1 brown. Cannons point left, 1 up & 2 down. Tree in bg. #art #tanks
In the coloring page, there are three medium tanks. They are all different colors – one is green, and two are brown. The green tanks are parked side by side and the brown tank is in front of them, with their turrets all pointing to the left. The green tank in the front has its cannon pointing up, the second tank has its cannon pointed downward and the third tank has a machine gun mounted on its turret. In the background, there is a large and leafy tree, silhouetted against a sunny sky. To color this page, try bright and cheerful colors for the tanks such as yellow or red. For the tree, use a variety of greens or blues to create an interesting effect. Try adding highlights and shadows where appropriate to make the tanks look three-dimensional. With bold colors and careful shading, you'll be sure to create a unique, eye-catching image!