Mercedes-Benz CL 600 coloring page

Luxurious Mercedes-Benz CL 600 with black exterior, chrome accents, sunroof, spoiler & Mercedes-Benz logo on front.
This coloring page features an iconic Mercedes-Benz CL 600. The car is elongated and features a smooth black exterior, with chrome accents and a sunroof. At the front of the car is an elegant Mercedes-Benz logo, while at the back is an aerodynamic spoiler. To bring out the CL 600's high-quality design, I would choose vibrant shades of blue, yellow, and red to bring out the different features of the car. Metallic colors such as gold and silver can also be used to add a layer of sophistication to the vehicle. Finally, shades of white, gray, and black can be used to fill in the background and pull the design together.