Wood grouse coloring page

Bird perched on branch. Light brown w/darker markings, folded wings, long, dark tail, short, yellow beak, long, yellow legs.
This coloring page features a lovely bird, perched calmly on a branch. It has a feathery, light brown body with darker brown markings. Its wings are folded around its body, making it look cozy and sleepy. Its long tail is slightly darker than its body feathers, and its beak and legs are yellow. To color this page, I would use warm, earthy tones to give the bird a natural look. Its body can be a soft, neutral brown, and you can use darker brown shades for the markings. Its beak and legs can be colored a bright yellow, and the branch can be a dark brown to make the bird stand out. I would also add some bright green leaves around the branch, and some blue and grey highlights to the wings to add dimension.