Merry coloring page

Seven fruits arranged on plate - lime, lemon, orange, grapefruit, kiwi, strawberry, raspberry - to color in page.
This coloring page is filled with all the juicy goodness of nature! Start off by giving each of the seven fruits a bold, vibrant color that reflects the way they look in real life. Use a bright green for the lime, a bold yellow for the lemon, a cheerful orange for the orange, a soft pink for the grapefruit, a lush, tropical green for the kiwi, a vibrant red for the strawberry, and a velvety purple for the raspberry. To make the page more interesting, add in some highlights and darker shadow details to make the fruits pop. You can also use different shades of each color to give a fully rich and textured look. Lastly, don't forget to make the plate a bright white, so that each fruit is the star of the show!