Carrot coloring page

Edible root vegetable that can be orange, white, red, yellow, or purple. Good source of dietary fiber & beta-carotene. Often eaten cooked/raw in salads & dishes.
This coloring page features a single carrot with the distinctive orange hue that most carrots possess. There are some lighter highlights around the surface and some darker shadows, creating an interesting play of light and dark on the vegetable. The bright, vibrant colors of a carrot stand out against the darkness of the background, making this coloring page a great opportunity for kids to practice shading. You can use a variety of colors to give the carrot a realistic lifelike appearance, including yellow, orange, white and green. To enhance the visual effect, use some red and purple to add to the carrot’s color palette. Shade in the lighter colors in the highlights, and add the darker colors in the shadows to give the carrot a 3-dimensional look. Finally, use some brown for the stem or roots of the carrot, to give it the full carrot-like look.