Cucumber coloring page

Green cucumber adorned with a yellow flower on plate with green rim & small hairs. #Foodie
This coloring page features a ripe cucumber resting on a white plate. The cucumber is a deep, rich green with a yellow flower blooming on one end. Small, spaced hairs can be seen along the length of the vegetable. The plate, too, has a green design around its rim. To complete this coloring page, you may wish to start by coloring in the cucumber and the plate. Taking care to give the cucumber texture and dimension, use various shades of green to shade the grooves and lines. For the flower, use a vibrant yellow for a contrasting and cheerful accent. To finish off the plate, you could shade the green design on the rim with a slightly darker green than used for the cucumber. Finally, you could finish by filling in the white areas of the plate with a light yellow to create a two-tone backdrop.