Radish coloring page

A red radish with green stem & small leaves on top of stem. Round w/ pointy end, smooth & shiny skin. #veggies
You are presented with a vibrant image of a red radish. Its smooth, shiny round shape has a slight point at one end that is further enhanced by the bright green stem. The stem is topped with a petite grouping of green leaves to complete the picture. A great way to bring out the sweetness of the radish would be to go with a warmer tone of red. Pair this with a more cool-toned green to accentuate the contrast. However, if you're going for more of a natural look, you could use a light brownish red with a lusher green hue. Darker tones can be used too, just make sure to stay within the same color families like citrusy oranges and yellowy greens. Whatever your color palette, this radish will be sure to bring some life to your coloring page!