Labrador coloring page

A black dog stands happily on a beach, tongue out and colours of yellow & green. #Dogs #Beaches #Happy
This cheery black dog is standing on a golden, sun-soaked beach. His knowing eyes gleam with a sense of contentment, and his bright pink tongue is lolling happily out of the side of his mouth. The bright yellow sand below his paws is juxtaposed with the lush, verdant green of the grass behind him. To really make this beach pup pop off the page, use a vibrant selection of blues, greens, and yellows to bring out the fullness of the beach. Start with a soft yellow for the sand, then add swirling shades of green to the grass. Rich blues can bring out the sheen of the ocean while lighter blues can be used to represent the bright, cloudless sky. Finally, with a deep black, trace the outline of the pup’s body, and bring out his eyes and the tip of his tongue with a touch of pink. With this coloring page, you’re ready to create a summer paradise of your own.