A soldier on a boat coloring page

Soldier standing on boat holding flag, surrounded by water.
This coloring page depicts a brave soldier standing atop a boat, holding a flag high above the waves. He is in a sea of blues and greens, signaling the vastness and strength of the water around him. To add depth to the image, add darker shades of blue and green to the ocean beneath him, and in the shadows cast by the boat. To make the soldier stand out, use bold colors such as red, white, and blue for his uniform and the flag he is holding. Complement the colors of the uniform by adding yellows, oranges, and purples to the sky in the background. As he has a solemn yet determined expression, add a sense of strength and power with dark, bold colors to represent the courage he has. Additionally, add small details such as stars and stripes to the flag to bring the image to life.