Gerda is free coloring page

A smiling Gerda stands amongst bees, butterflies and a field of flowers.
Gerda is standing in a field of vibrant flowers, lit up by a warm ray of light shining down from above. She is surrounded by a bustling flurry of bees and delicate butterflies, who fill the air with their busy humming and fluttering wings. Gerda is clearly content, a small and gentle smile on her face. If you were to color this scene, picking hues that draw attention to the bright and cheerful flowers may be a great option. A golden yellow-orange could be a great choice for the ray of light, while a pretty purplish-pinkish hue could complete the life of the petals. Bring focus to the buzzing bees and the fluttering wings of the butterflies with a deep warm brown, so that they stand out from the rest of the world. Finally, complete your masterpiece with a bright pink for the smile on Gerda's face, for a picture-perfect scene.