Flower garden of a woman who knew how to conjure coloring page

Fountain w/3 marble nymphs in center; hedge maze, floral-lined concrete path on left, brick path/door on right; mansion in bg.
This garden scene is rich with potential for creativity! The stone fountain with three marble nymphs pouring water from vases at its center immediately draws the eye and makes for a wonderful focal point. Behind the fountain, a well-manicured hedge maze beckons, suggesting an exciting journey of exploration for the adventurous artist. On the left side of the garden, a concrete path lined with colorful flowers lends itself to creative shading and mixing of bright colors to capture the blooming vibrancy of the scene. On the right, a brick path leads to an imposing brick wall with a 'No Admittance' sign above the door, lending a feeling of mystery to the composition. In the background is a stately mansion, a reminder of the powerful and noble. For the coloring of this scene, I suggest using soft, subtle coloring to bring out the beauty of the fountain and the marble nymphs, as well as to give the impression of a calm garden. For the flowers, you can use a bright palette with a few darker shades thrown in for depth and interest. Finally, add a hint of smudgy grey to the wall to bring out its texture, and a few hints of light to indicate distant windows on the mansion, to bring it all together.