Magic mirror coloring page

Old man in brown coat with white hair & beard holds staff, looks in snowflake-covered mirror with door in center.
In the coloring page, the man is wearing a brown coat and a pale blue shirt. He is an elderly man with a white beard and white hair. He is standing in front of a large mirror that is adorned with snowflakes and has a door in the center. Engaged in an introspective moment, he is gazing at his reflection in the mirror. To color the page, start with his clothing. Choose a brown that is dark enough to give depth to his coat and use a light pastel blue for his shirt. For his hair and beard, use a soft white color. For the mirror, use a light blue and then layer white to create the pattern of snowflakes. Use a golden yellow for the door and a black for outlining and defining the elements of the image. Create a sense of warmth with shades of red, orange and yellow. Increase the vibrancy of the colors by adding pops of purple, pink and teal. Allow yourself to be creative and have fun while adding your own unique touches to the page.