Children and roses coloring page

Girl kneels & plants roses in grassy field, her serious expression framed by two large trees.
The young girl on the coloring page is planting a rose in the ground with a focused, serious expression. Her tight brown bun and white dress contrast with the lush green grass and the two large trees in the background. It is almost as if she is memorializing something, or some special occasion with her tender gesture that she wants to last forever. When coloring this page, I would opt for muted pinks, reds and other natural earth tones to make the image more realistic. For the girl, I would use a medium brown for her hair and a soft pink for her cheeks to bring the image to life. The rose is the star of the image, so for it I suggest painting a bold, bright red to make it stand out. For the trees, I would stick to darker greens and browns for the bark. I would also add a light yellow to the grass to make the image look even more alive. Finally, I would make sure to use a nice light green for the leaves, which will catch the light nicely.