Mermaid and ship coloring page

The mermaid sits on a rock, watching a big, sail-filled ship, tears in her eyes, sad at heart.
The ocean is a deep blue, with hints of green and shades of purple visible beneath the waves. The mermaid sits atop a large, jagged rock, her tail draped in the ocean and her gaze directed at a large ship sailing along in the distance. The ship has white sails billowing in the wind, embossed with golden figures that appear to be moving. The mermaid is dejected; her eyes are filled with sadness, and a single crystal tear rolls slowly down her cheek. To bring her sorrow to life, one could choose muted blues and purples, with a darker navy blue for the rock she perches upon. For the ship, contrasting shades of bright yellow and white should be used in its sails, with grey detailing the figures embroidered onto them. Lastly, a hint of sparkle around the mermaid’s eyes and near her tear should be used, in the form of a shimmery light blue.