Space liner coloring page

At space port, large, sleek liner waits; passengers board, and luggage loaded. Ship brightly lit, air thrumming with anticipation.
On a bright and starry night, a majestic space liner awaits its passengers to embark. The vessel is slender and graceful, with glistening windows all along its length. Passengers, their luggage, and cargo bustle around the ship, all with a sense of excitement and anticipation. The craft glimmers against the inky night sky, its lights casting a gentle ambiance. To make the scene extra special, you can use different shades of blue and purple to paint the skies and stars, while the ship itself can be done in a darker hue to make it stand out. For the passengers, use subtle shades of brown, white, blue and green to show them walking about and the soft white for their luggage. Finally, add some orange and yellow to highlight the ship's lights and complete the image.