March 8 coloring page

People of all genders celebrate International Women's Day with colorful flags & signs #IWD2021
This coloring page is a vibrant representation of International Women's Day! In the center, the green and white flag with a red star in the middle is a perfect backdrop for the two main characters. On the left side, a woman in a red dress with a white scarf around her neck holds a sign that reads "Happy International Women's Day!", while on the right side a woman in a blue dress and white scarf around her neck holds a sign with the same message. In the background, people of all ages and genders surround the two women and are showing their support for the important cause. To color this page, you may choose to focus on the main characters - for their clothes and skin tones - and adding contrasting colors. For the background, shades of yellow and blue can be used to represent the solidarity of the Support International Women's Day cause, while pink and purple will help to bring a feeling of joy and celebration to the page.