Happy March 8! coloring page

2 Women holding hands smiling in front of poster with
This coloring page is a great way to celebrate International Women's Day! The poster background should be colored in a bright and cheerful red with a white border for definition. The bold letters of the phrase "Happy International Women's Day" should be filled in solid black. The large, bold "March 8" at the bottom should be filled in a deep rich blue to help it stand out. The two women, who are happily holding hands, can be colored in a variety of ways. For example, they could be two different colors representing two different ethnicities, or one could have a colorful outfit while the other has a plain one. When it comes to their hair, experiment with different styles and shades until you find the perfect look. With their big smiles, you can use combinations of yellows, oranges and pinks to give them an extra dose of cheer.