Reno Magnum coloring page

Trucks of different colors with the Reno Magnum logo in a parking lot coloring page.
The parking lot is filled with a variety of trucks in various sizes and colors. The largest trucks boast a shining red finish, while their smaller counterparts strike a contrast with their darker blue paint. What ties all of these vehicles together is the Reno Magnum logo on the side of each truck, a trademark of all their products. When it comes to coloring this page, have fun and be creative! Bright colors like yellow and orange evoke a cheerful scene, while swampy shades of green and brown go hand in hand with a classic retro theme. Purple is a great choice to contrast the bold colors of the trucks, while adding a hint of sophistication. For a more modern take, try metallic shades of silver and gold to bring a glimmer to the drawing.