Prince Elisha coloring page

Man & woman standing in front of a table, looking at each other; window looks out to a snow-covered landscape.
The scene depicted on the coloring page is a touching moment shared by a small, dark-haired man and a blonde woman. The man stands in the center of the image, wearing a light-colored shirt and matching dark jacket over a darker necktie. He has a large mustache and appears to be looking in the direction of the woman who is positioned towards his right. She is wearing a dark dress and white apron and looks at him with a slight smile on her face. Behind the pair, the window frames a beautiful view of a snow-covered landscape that can be explored through colored pencils and paints alike. To add depth to the image, consider adding a shadow behind the characters, with a cool blue for the sky providing contrast. It would also be interesting to use brighter shades for the snow and sun reflecting off it. A warm tone for the skin and clothing of the two people can suggest a feeling of warmth between them, while shadows outlining the bodies of the characters may add a touch of realism.