Balda outwitted the imp coloring page

Young man with sword stands on bridge in front of castle, looking at small imp holding bag.
The young man stands resolutely on the stone bridge, the sun glinting off the shimmering steel of his sword. His attention is focused on the small figure of an imp that stands before him, holding a leather bag in its hands. The castle looms in the background, its ancient walls of aged stone allowing a peek into a world long forgotten. From the bridge, the man can see the countryside beyond, the land rolling out in brilliant shades of green and yellow. To give this coloring page life, try using vibrant colors that bring the scene to life. The knight’s armor could be shaded in shades of gold and silver, with a hint of red in his tabard to show his bold courage. The imp could be colored in blues, purples and magentas to bring its magical qualities to life. The land behind him could be filled with the vibrant greens and yellows of the countryside, while the castle could look majestic in warmer tones of beige, brown and orange.