gold fish coloring page

Alexander Pushkin writing a book with a quill while a goldfish swims in a bowl nearby.
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is sitting at a table thoughtfully, quill in hand as he attentively writes in a book. The warm, cozy environment of the room is filled with the vibrant colors of an autumn harvest; the table is a rich deep mahogany brown and the walls a burnt orange. In front of him stands a small goldfish bowl, in which a brilliant orange-silver fish swims in circles around the edges. Use a warm yellow for the open book, and a bright blue for the ink used for Pushkin’s poem. The fish is sure to be quite the centerpiece, surrounded with vivid greens and vibrant blues to make the scene come alive. Pushkin himself can be colored with royal purples and detailed in shades of grey. Surround the bust with a golden halo, to hint at the brilliance of his works.