Swan princess coloring page

Young woman in white dress with blue scarf, blonde hair, blue eyes on riverbank with swan.
The young woman in a white dress with a blue scarf around her shoulders stands proud and confident on the riverbank. Her bright blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes seem to reach out to the viewer, a beacon of beauty and peace. She stands next to a swan, its wings gracefully extended, creating a captivating scene. For a truly tranquil moment, use soft blues and greys to represent the river, letting the white of the woman’s dress, and the black in the swan’s feathers, stand out. And perhaps a gentle pink or purple in the scarf, to give the painting a peaceful feeling. For a sunnier scene, use warm tones of yellow and orange in the clouds, and pinks and purples in the flowers. Let the woman’s dress remain white, and the swan’s feathers shining black, adding some boldness to the painting. Thus, it is up to you to create a unique and stunning scene with your chosen colors.